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Bus Rapid Transit White Paper

Futureproofing mobility with BRT

Rethinking how transit systems are managed is about futureproofing, simplifying, and building modern alternatives in the U.S. Bus Rapid Transit networks can offer systems a reliable solution to traffic that keeps their passengers and our cities moving.

BRT networks can be converted into light rail networks for greater speed and capacity. Download this comprehensive white paper today to see how a BRT network can transform your city!

Inside, you will learn more about:

  • Planning
  • Financing and federal funding
  • Communications and stakeholder engagement
  • Global expertise and international best-practices

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In this paper, we will show how Keolis can offer real world expertise and a deep understanding of transit agencies’ challenges to maximize returns, identify efficiencies and ensure overall success. With exclusive access to strategic plans and first hand knowledge, Keolis, a global transit operator, can help agency staff distill the planning process for new BRT and eBRT networks, guiding our partners into the future.